Edições Anteriores
Publicação Acadêmica de Estudos sobre Jornalismo e Comunicação ISSN 1806-2776

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Ideas about the Brazilian process of journalism

Prof. Dr. José Coelho Sobrinho

PJ: BR—Brazilian Journalism began with the awareness and the aim of being one more knot that ties together the worldwide network of knowledge. In this type of media, it appears there is no place for modesty because, as Manuel Castells asserts, if codes are shared globalization of capital will result, and the capital being invested in this magazine should also bring dividends to the debate on ideas, with respect to the journalistic process of Brazilian thinkers and researchers.

The time and place of the magazine will always be the reader’s time and place. It intends to gather models and paradigms created by Brazilian thinkers from even the earliest periods of intellectual history. Simultaneously, there will be space in the magazine for disseminating contemporary studies on journalism, displaying the talent and maturity of Brazilian researchers.

 PJ: BR—Brazilian Journalism is also one more contribution to the Nucleus of Comparative Journalism Studies (NJC) of the Department of Journalism and Publishing at the School of Communications (ECA) of the University of São Paulo (USP), serving students of journalism throughout the country. It enriches the archives of text books published under the supervision of the group of professors and graduate students of NJC.

The project also signals the return of its Acting Director to the graduate program in Journalism of the Communication Sciences major at ECA. It is a registered trademark of Prof. Dr. José Marques de Melo, who, motivated by an untiring entrepreneurial spirit, provides us with the legacy of yet another noteworthy contribution to the understanding of the influences Brazilian journalism has in forming our society.  

São Paulo, may 13th, 2003

Departamento de
Jornalismo e Editoração
Escola de Comunicações e Artes
Universidade de São Paulo

Prof. Dr. José Coelho Sobrinho


Revista PJ:Br - Jornalismo Brasileiro | ISSN 1806-2776 |
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